1) To view subscription section, click on “Subscription” button from the User Profile dropdown as shown below:

2) The Subscription section will be displayed as shown below:

3) The Subscription Section consists of two parts: Left Section and Right Section.

  • Left Section – displays the system’s subscription information that company has registered. The section contains the following information:

- Licensed to – is the legal firm name

- Type – is the account type that the company has registered.

    - The account type has three types: Sole Proprietor, Boutique and Enterprise.

- Remarks – is the company detail description.

- Start date – is the date of which the subscription starts.

- Expired on – is the date of which subscription ends.

- License Key – is the company’s registration key for the system purchase.

  •  Right Section – display legal practice tips to be shared amongst users of the system.