1) To start managing an event information detail, open the Event Details page by selecting any event from the upcoming events list or calendar.

2) The Event Details page will be opened according to the selected event.

3) This will bring up the SPG Event Details page as shown below:

4) The Event Details page consists of four parts: Label 1, Label 2, Label 3 and Label 4.

  • Label 1 – is the event details information.

It displays the following fields:

- Event Name

- Link to Matter

- Start Date

- Start Time

- Status

- Priority

- Event Type

- Assigned to

- Location

  • Label 2 – is the Quick Edit buttons function.

  • Label 3 – is the Event Details page sub-menus which consists of the following:

- Event Info

- Notes

- Discussion 

- Activity


  • Label 4 – is the delete button for deleting an event.