1) To access the Flat Fee sub-module, click on “Finances” menu from top main menu, then click on “Flat Fees” from dropdown as shown below:

2) The system will navigate the user to the Flat Fees sub-module page as shown below:

3) The Flat Fees sub-module page consists of six parts: Label 1, Label 2, Label 3, Label 4, Label 5 and Label 6.

  • Label 1 – this is the button for adding new flat fees.

  • Label 2 – this shows the flat fees amount summary.

It displays the flat fees information as follows:

- All Flat Fees

- Billable

- Unbilled

- Not Billable

  • Label 3 – this shows the expenses list summary.

It displays the following information:

- Item

- Client

- Matter

- Status

- Created At

- Billed By

- Amount

  • Label 4 – this is the search bar function

- This function enables user to search items within the flat fee list.

- To do a search, type in the item keyword in the search bar.

- The list will directly filter the flat fee list items according to the searched keyword as shown below:

- The function will instantly filter the flat fee list information with the entered keyword according to information within the flat fee list.

- Keywords not found within the flat fee list will display message “No matching records found”.